Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Hello World!

Wotcher! I am new to this blogging lark but happy to jump right in, so let's get started little voices in my head shall we? Well majority rules so, I'll begin.

   The Author's Teaparty is a blog about... yeah you guessed it; BOOKS.

   I read books (as you do), I also write them. I think I know an awful lot about books and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. So I started up this blog to share all my writing triumph and spectacular failures with you, my lovely (and currently non-existent followers).
   I run a fortnightly writing workshop for 10-13 year olds and co-run a creative writing club for adults as well, so any ideas, techniques or anti-writers' block weaponry I come across, I'll post here, for you to try out and to enjoy.
   Did I mention I read books? I also sell them (and smell them - if people tell you they've never smelled a book, they're lying. We all love the smell of book glue, but it takes the strong among us to admit to it). So if I'm feeling very verbal about a particular book, I'll be posting a review here. No ranting, I'll keep it short, sweet and hope you find it  entertaining and useful.

   Thanks for lighting on this page. I hope your mouse takes you back here soon.
   Maera Black

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